October Call for Papers #2: Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German (58.2 April 2024)

Community, Industry, Institution News,

Call for Papers: Thematic Issue: Between and Beyond er|sie: Trans and Non-binary Identities in the L2 German Classroom 

Guest editors

Katherine Kerschen; Washington University

Claire E. Scott; Vanderbilt University

Daniel Walter; Emory University, Oxford College

We are seeking contributions for a thematic issue of Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German titled: Between and Beyond er|sie: Trans and Non-binary Identities in the L2 German Classroom. The goal of this thematic issue is to shed light on the various ways that trans- and non-binary-identities are engaged and affirmed (or not) in the German-as-a-second language classroom and in German-language programs – in traditional classroom settings, but also study abroad, faculty-led international travel, and short (intensive/summer) courses – at multiple levels of instruction and learning. In so doing, we seek to identify common ground as well as disparities between practices, approaches, and attitudes that affect teachers and students of all levels, including K-12 and postsecondary and graduate programs. 

Amidst current debates over gender identity and pedagogical freedom, we hope that sharing our collective experiences will help us as we strive to make our classrooms more inclusive spaces. We are soliciting submissions, including full-length Research Articles (~8,000 words), Praxis Articles (~4,000 words), Forum Articles (~2,000 words), and Reviews of print or digital teaching materials, which engage with one of the following three sub-topics (indicative example questions are provided with each) in the context of teaching and learning German:

  1. The relevance of trans- and non-binary social, cultural, and linguistic influences from the German-speaking world to the L2 classroom.
    • What linguistic trends regarding trans- and non-binary identities are emerging in the German-speaking world today?
    • How has the greater (public) discourse around “gendering” affected public perception of trans- and non-binary terminology?
    • How has the push for gender-neutral, gender-inclusive, or gender-equitable language influenced public policy?
    • What are the emic perspectives from trans- and non-binary German speakers?
  1. (Anti-) trans- and non-binary policies and their influence on and within the L2 German classroom.
    • What hurdles do teachers in various contexts and from various levels of instruction, particularly K-12 education, face in their attempts to engage with trans and non-binary issues in the L2 German classroom?
    • How has public opinion and/or activism around trans and non-binary identities affected students’ and instructors’ expectations for what can and cannot be taught in the L2 German classroom?
  1. Pedagogical recommendations for the L2 German classroom. 
    • In what ways can trans and non-binary issues be taught and discussed at various proficiency levels and in various contexts (e.g., K-12 vs post-secondary), as well as differentially addressed across the curriculum?
    • What are best practices for engaging with our learners’ (gender) identities within the L2 classroom context?
    • How can we encourage our learners to become active participants/stakeholders in ongoing discussions around trans and non-binary issues in language education?
    • What role could L2 German learners play in influencing the practices of first-language German speakers or the German-speaking world as a whole?

For the publication guidelines, please consult the website of Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17561221, in particular the sections About and Contribute.


April 5, 2024:

Abstracts (200 words; DOCX or RTF attached to an email to unterrichtspraxis@aatg.org)

July 1, 2024:

Feedback on abstracts

December 2, 2024:

Submission of the complete manuscripts at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/up

March 3, 2025:

Reviewed submissions returned to authors

June 2, 2025:

Revised manuscripts submitted at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/up

September & October 2025:

Author proofing of accepted articles

November 2025:

Publication of Issue 58.2

Informal inquiries can be emailed to the guest editors:

Katherine Kerschen    k.kerschen@wustl.edu

Claire E. Scott             claire.scott.1@vanderbilt.edu

Daniel Walter             daniel.walter@emory.edu

Editors: Karin Baumgartner (karin.baumgartner@utah.edu) and Mathias Schulze (mschulze@sdsu.edu)