AATG Journals
The German Quarterly and Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German
The German Quarterly
The German Quarterly serves as a forum for a variety of scholarly debates - topical, ideological, methodological, theoretical, as well as debates on recent developments in the profession. We encourage essays addressing new theoretical or methodological approaches, recent developments in the field, and subjects that engage with the diversity of German-speaking societies and the heterogeneity of German cultural history
The German Quarterly is an equal opportunity publication in terms of approaches, topics, epochs and styles in a landscape in which many of the best journals are now specialized. We welcome submissions on all topics in German literature, culture and film from the Middle Ages to the present, as well as comparative and interdisciplinary articles that are relevant to the field of German.
Hester Baer
Co-Editor, The German Quarterly
University of Maryland, College Park
Hester Baer is Professor of German and Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Maryland, where she also serves as a core faculty member in the Comparative Literature program and an affiliate in the Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Her research and teaching interests include German literature and culture in the 20th and 21st centuries, film history and theory, feminist media studies, and environmental humanities.Karin Schutjer
Co-Editor, The German Quarterly
University of Oklahoma
Karin Schutjer is Professor of German at the University of Oklahoma where she is affiliate faculty in the Schusterman Center for Judaic and Israel Studies. Her research and teaching interests include German literature and culture of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century; Jewish studies; philosophy, religion, and social thought; and aesthetic form and genre.
Back issues of The German Quarterly are accessible to users at institutions that participate in JSTOR's Arts & Sciences III and Language and Literature Collections. Users are able to browse, search, download, and print the full-text PDF versions of articles from the first volume in 1928 through 2008. Wiley offers access to issues from 2005 to the present.
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Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German
Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, devoted to the improvement of German teaching in the United States, is published twice a year. The journal publishes pedagogical articles, reports, and other material of interest to teachers of German at all levels of instruction.Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German provides a forum for recent advances in scholarship on German language teaching and learning; practical suggestions for implementing innovative instruction in German classrooms; information concerning relevant teaching and source materials; information about the linguistic, social, political, and cultural landscape of German-speaking countries; and assessments or suggestions regarding the betterment of the German teaching profession.
Karin Baumgartner
Co-Editor, Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German
University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Karin Baumgartner is Professor of German at the University of Utah, where she also serves as an affiliated member of Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies. Her research interests include German literature and culture in the 18th and 19th centuries, feminist studies, travel literature, and fairy tale studies. Her teaching interests include the teaching of the FLACH countries, high school-college articulation, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in the German language classroom.
Mathias Schulze
Co-Editor, Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German
San Diego State University, CA
Mathias Schulze is a Professor of German and European Studies at San Diego State University and the co-director of its Language Acquisition Resource Center. His research interests are in applied linguistics, particularly language learning with technology, proficiency development, sociocultural theory, and societal and individual bilingualism. He did his teacher training for German and Russian and has taught courses in German language and linguistics and European Studies.
Back issues of Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German are accessible to users at institutions that participate in JSTOR's Arts & Sciences VII Collection. Users are able to browse, search, download and print the full-text PDF versions of articles from the first volume in 1968 through 2008. Wiley offers access to issues from 2005 to present.
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