AATG Chapter Information
AATG has chapters throughout the United States, and chapters are grouped into six regions.
- Northwest Region: Alaska, Colorado/Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Northern California, Oregon, Utah, Washington
- Midwest Region: Northern Illinois, Southern Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
- Northeast Region: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Northern New England (New Hampshire and Vermont), Central New York, Hudson Valley, Long Island, Rhode Island
- Southwest Region: Arkansas, Arizona, Hawaii, Louisiana, New Mexico/El Paso, Oklahoma, Southern California, San Diego, North Texas, Houston, South Texas
- Central Region: Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Northern New Jersey, Southern New Jersey, Ohio, Central Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia, Philadelphia/ Delaware
- Southeast Region: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia