AATG Financial Overview
Overview of AATG Finances
As a registered nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, AATG is committed to financial stability and integrity. The organization has several layers of checks and balances meant to ensure long-term financial health and sustainability so that we can continue to support teachers and learners of German for the next generation!
AATG relies on multiple revenue streams to maintain sustainability. A general overview of our organization provides a glimpse of how we are financially structured:
What happens to money I donate to AATG?
There are two types of gifts AATG generally receives: Designated and Undesignated. Undesignated gifts (such as to the general fund) go to the areas most urgently in need and may be utilized immediately. Designated gifts go to the area of designation and are invested to provide returns over time, such as an established endowed fund. These gifts may only be used for the donor's designated purpose and may not be reallocated. The funds are typically invested and are governed by an investment policy statement and guidelines from a general Investment Policy . Our funds are professionally managed (currently by Raymond James) and our financial partner is also bound by these governing documents. Donors interested in designating funds to a new endowment must contact the executive director prior to making a donation or bequest to ensure that the funds may be utilized according to the donor's wishes.
Who verifies or audits AATG financial information?
AATG engages an independent CPA annually to provide a full audit of AATG revenues and expenses as well as prepare our annual IRS 990 Federal Tax return. The audit ensures that our accounting is correct and that no financial impropriety has occurred. A summary of the past year's audit may be requested by members through email. Non-members may request a printed overview of our annual audit documents by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to AATG at 112 Haddontowne Ct #104, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
What financial reporting is available?
The AATG Treasurer on the board of directors makes quarterly reports to the board and an annual report to membership. Member questions regarding financial matters may be directed to the treasurer or executive director.
Public reporting: All registered nonprofits in the US are required to file tax returns with the IRS. You can find annual and historical IRS related documents for AATG as well as other nonprofit organizations at the IRS Nonprofit Search Center. AATG's IRS identification is EIN: 23-1944578 | Cherry Hill, NJ, United States.