German Teacher Certification

You are interested in teaching German: Wunderbar! The credential requirements to teach German vary depending on level and state. This guide provides basic information and key resources for starting or continuing your journey toward becoming a German teacher.

Elementary, Middle School, and High School.
 Certification requirements will vary according to state education department requirements. Most positions will require at least a Bachelor's Degree or the equivalent in a German language-related field from an accredited university. If you are looking for a teacher preparation program, you can search by state for German teacher programs online. You do not need to have a teaching degree to become certified. Many states simply require candidates without a teaching degree to complete additional coursework in education. Learn more about being a German teacher at the K-12 level and view your state's specific teaching certification requirements online.

College or University.
 To teach at the college/university level, you must obtain at least a Master's degree or the equivalent in a German language-related field from an accredited university. Tenured positions and full professorships usually require a Doctorate in the field. You can find job listings for college university positions on the AATG website, on the specific institution website, or on a public job posting board such as Inside Higher Ed. Many jobs at this level will conduct interviews at the MLA Convention. The MLA has put together a list of resources for job candidates.